My friend and I took the train out to Manyunk. If this was NYC or Chicago, a trip like that would be a simple ride on the subway or L. But this is Philly, and that means taking SEPTA's Regional Rail train.
We stood in a long line to buy our tickets, and then had to jump out to make our train on time. I had a disabled fare ticket, but my friend was charged extra for buying his ticket on the train. "You know if you'd bought this as the station, you'd have saved money." Oh yes, we knew.
We sat and talked, and I let my friend keep track of the stops because I couldn't see the map or the display that posts the stops, and the conductor was little bit mumbly. Then my friend said, "This is Manyunk," and we hopped off the train...but it wasn't Manyunk! So we pried the door to the train open and got back on. By now we were getting to be good friends with the conductor.
Something like that is actually less likely to happen when I take public transit alone. I work harder to know where I am andin this post and also in this other post, that can be a lot of work. It's so much work, that I'll gladly give it up to someone who can see to tell me where I am. But yeah, even the sighted make mistakes sometimes.
, as I've written
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