Jan 22, 2015

This is What Cone Dystrophy Looks Like

What I see
What I don't see
What I see that you don't see

That's cone dystrophy for me.

Folks have long asked how I see the world.
I've never been able to describe it completely.
But some friends of mine have. And they don't even know it. 

The Forcefield collective from Providence were adept at capturing the experience of seeing/not seeing/seeing what others don't see. I went to countless happenings at Fort Thunder because the guys from Forcefield who lived and worked there made that experience beautiful—that experience of seeing the unseeable. 

Only now can I articulate that my spotty optical vision felt at home within Forcefield's luminous artistic vision. This video piece of theirs especially captures the progression of cone dystrophy: Imagine seeing everything that you see, but with this superimposed upon it:

I recently re-saw this video piece on a giant screen at the RISD Museum.
Having that going all the time in the background—that's my life in a nutshell.

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